Ash.Ot: Wild forest fire
Ash.Ot: Horseshoe, AZ
Ash.Ot: Antelope, AZ
Ash.Ot: Magic mountain...
Ash.Ot: On the street
Ash.Ot: The morning of X day. Cocoa beach.
Ash.Ot: Breakfast.
Ash.Ot: Before the light.
Andysea1: The Leo Triplet SH2-261 Lower's Nebula
Dave & telescope: Rosette Nebula
Prath83: W63/G082.2+5.3 - An ancient supernova shell
Dave & telescope: Abell 1367
Dave & telescope: M31- Andromeda Galaxy
Dave & telescope: IC 410- "The Tadpoles"
Dave & telescope: M101 group
Dave & telescope: NGC 4565 "Needle" Galaxy
Dave & telescope: Sh2-155 "Cave" nebula
Dave & telescope: Sun-and-Stars