cd7: Be sure to Chase Your Dreams!!! #DoWhatMakesYouHappy #GirlBoss💋 👠👠
cd7: Loved ❤️ my rainy ☔️ Sunday!!! #LoveTheRain #CaliforniaRaining
cd7: So true!! ❤️#BeStrong #BeKind
cd7: Hope this true... because I'm about walk straight into my worst fears, with no options! #LifeIsNotAlwaysKind :(((
cd7: Today's Plan..... #LotsOfCoffee☕️ #NoNegativity #KickAss #GirlBoss💋
cd7: Hanging out with my One True Love!!! ❤️🐴❤️ #Carthago #EnjoyingTheAfternoon
cd7: It's ok to be shattered - as long as you're still standing!!! #ImStillStanding #TryingToHelpOthersStandToo
cd7: #Integrity
cd7: Cuddles with my Little Man!!! ❤️️🐴❤️️#Carthago #Cuddles #LoveMyHorse
cd7: Some days I really struggle with the baggage some bring to the table, because by nature they are not true entrepreneurs! They can't handle the highs & lows, and often lack the dedication it takes to get through it!! I need to implement trainings & strateg
cd7: My most relaxing time is spent here!!!#Hydrofusion ❤️Love it!!!
cd7: What was your dream??? ❤️ Are you living it? Remember.... you become what you think about!! So go out and #LiveYourDreamsNotYourFears #MotivationalMonday #Evolve
cd7: Hanging with my Fuzzy Bear!! #Carthago #GettingFluffy
cd7: Love this!! #AlwaysWorking #GettingStuffDone #GirlBoss💋
cd7: #Evolve.
cd7: "Silence is the most powerful scream!"
cd7: Always!!! #GirlBoss💋
cd7: This is how the day's going to be... not getting out of bed this morning!!! Way To Sleepy 😴😴😴#NoSleep #NotGettingOutOfBedThisMorning #NotGonnaDoIt
cd7: #ThomasEdison #StayFocused #Evolve. #GirlBoss💋 :))))
cd7: Enjoying my day with this handsome guy!!! ❤️🐴❤️#Carthago #LoveMyHorse❤️
cd7: #GirlBoss💋 #Entrepreneur
cd7: Ok my first, delivery-you-cook-it dinners from Martha Stewart & Marley Spoon.... Have to admit , I wasn't sure about this looking at the ingredients as I unpacked the box, but it is absolutely Delicious!! 😋 Corn and Zucchini Hash with Pancetta & Basil
cd7: #GirlBoss💋 #Entrepreneur
cd7: ❤️ Love this!! #GirlBoss💋 #Entrepreneur
cd7: #JustDoIt✔️ #GirlBoss💋
cd7: #GirlBoss💋
cd7: Today is my "1 Year" mark with Renatus, so I'm reflecting back on all the wonderful people I have met, the AMAZING teams I'm apart of and the AMAZING team I've actually built, the 6-Figure income, the Education I have benefited from, and the complete LIF
cd7: Relaxing for the next 60 mins in the Magnesphere getting my whole body magnetic treatment, listening to gentle sounds - nice way to end the day!! #Magnesphere #NovaCenter #TakingCareOfMe
cd7: Hanging out with my Little Man!!!😍🐴#Carthago
cd7: #Carthago