yoko.wannwannmaru: 棚田の朝 Morning on the Rice Terraces
yoko.wannwannmaru: 夕日に輝く Shining in the sunset
yoko.wannwannmaru: 陽だまりの中で In the sunshine
yoko.wannwannmaru: 日の出 sunrise
yoko.wannwannmaru: ニホンスイセン
-=E.S.G=-: Layers of a full blossom
-=E.S.G=-: Autumn red
-=E.S.G=-: Greens of the Californian sea shore
-=E.S.G=-: A cluster in the mountains
-=E.S.G=-: Chrysanthemum
-=E.S.G=-: Morning light peaks through - explored
-=E.S.G=-: Finally ripe
-=E.S.G=-: Winter's Dahlia - explored
-=E.S.G=-: Victorian home in paradise
-=E.S.G=-: Great Blue Heron
-=E.S.G=-: Wrinkled trunks all around
-=E.S.G=-: Monkey portait
-=E.S.G=-: Reflection
-=E.S.G=-: Galapagos stroll
-=E.S.G=-: Balboa Tower
-=E.S.G=-: Black Bird
Gladys Klip: Zilverreiger / heron / héron cendré
Gladys Klip: Grondeekhoorn / ground squirrel / écureuil terrestre
Gladys Klip: Steenuil / little owl / chevêche d'athéna
Gladys Klip: Kwak / night heron / bihoreau
Gladys Klip: Grondeekhoorn / ground squirrel / écureuil terrestre / haas / hare / lièvre
Gladys Klip: Sperwer / sparrowhawk / L''epervier d'Europe
Gladys Klip: Ree / roe deer / chevrette
Gladys Klip: Ree / roe deer / chevrette
Gladys Klip: Zeearend / white-tailed eagle / Pygargue à queue blanche