Fruitscape: 20180908_072844
Fruitscape: OM-ACJ at Doncaster Sheffield airport
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Fruitscape: IMG_20161015_131008
Fruitscape: IMG_20161015_124913
Fruitscape: Potatoes, 3 in a 17 litre poly bag, planted 18th March
Fruitscape: Potatoes, 3 in a 17 litre poly bag, planted 18th March
Fruitscape: Blossom 16th April 2015
Fruitscape: Blossom 16th April 2015
Fruitscape: Blossom 16th April 2015
Fruitscape: Blossom 16th April 2015
Fruitscape: Blossom 16th April 2015
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Fruitscape: First fruit off a tree bought from lidl as Golden Delicious
Fruitscape: Winter squash harvested.
Fruitscape: Potatoes from a chance growing in the compost bin, largest potato weighed 980g
Fruitscape: Quick shower of rain giving a well lit rainbow
Fruitscape: Apple Black Prince
Fruitscape: Plum Avalon, blighted by brown rot this year but producing some lovely good sized flavours fruit
Fruitscape: Caterpillar on ragwort
Fruitscape: Plum Opal colouring up nicely. Not many wasps about but they are finding them
Fruitscape: Enjoying these summer squash Delikates from #dtbrownseeds picked young they are great as a single serving
Fruitscape: First apples of the year
Fruitscape: Sweet & Sour Marrow
Fruitscape: More blackcurrant jam
Fruitscape: Blackcurrant drizzle cake
Fruitscape: Blackcurrant Jam