CC Chapman: Hanging around the Coke Pavilion
CC Chapman: Playing inside a Cherry Coke Experience
CC Chapman: Posing
CC Chapman: Actual Miles
CC Chapman: After the Evening Event
CC Chapman: Virtual Thirst Chit Chat
CC Chapman: Gotta Love the Coke PJs
CC Chapman: Jukebox
CC Chapman: Checking out one of the prototypes
CC Chapman: Hanging Out
CC Chapman: "Fizz Addict"
CC Chapman: Coke slippers
CC Chapman: Checking Out the Truck Prototype
CC Chapman: Dance Bottle
CC Chapman: A Big Coke Fan
CC Chapman: A Little Chinese Before the Event
CC Chapman: Coke Pavilion
CC Chapman: Lynette & Anji
CC Chapman: Rezzed Experience Machine
CC Chapman: Coke Pavilion
CC Chapman: Virtual Thirst Pavilion
CC Chapman: Virtual Thirst Pavilion
CC Chapman: Virtual Thirst Pavilion
CC Chapman: Virtual Thirst Pavilion
CC Chapman: The Amphitheatre
CC Chapman: Chilling in the Pavillion
CC Chapman: Chatting By a Submittal Bottle
CC Chapman: Coke Submittal Bottle
CC Chapman: Mark & I
CC Chapman: Coca-Cola Comes to Second Life