CC Chapman: She holds up the world in an embrace.
CC Chapman: Some days, I miss traveling the world, speaking to crowds of new faces, photographing where I go, and writing about everything. Yesterday, after a great meeting for work, I found myself alone for lunch and found a great little Mexican place. A wave of wan
CC Chapman: Some days, I miss traveling the world, speaking to crowds of new faces, photographing where I go, and writing about everything. Yesterday, after a great meeting for work, I found myself alone for lunch and found a great little Mexican place. A wave of wan
CC Chapman: Some days, I miss traveling the world, speaking to crowds of new faces, photographing where I go, and writing about everything. Yesterday, after a great meeting for work, I found myself alone for lunch and found a great little Mexican place. A wave of wan
CC Chapman: Some days, I miss traveling the world, speaking to crowds of new faces, photographing where I go, and writing about everything. Yesterday, after a great meeting for work, I found myself alone for lunch and found a great little Mexican place. A wave of wan
CC Chapman: Some days, I miss traveling the world, speaking to crowds of new faces, photographing where I go, and writing about everything. Yesterday, after a great meeting for work, I found myself alone for lunch and found a great little Mexican place. A wave of wan
CC Chapman: A new academic year has begun, and two weeks in, I'm starting to find my groove. There is too much going on, and this year will be a struggle at times, but I'm confident that I’ll make it all work. Catching up with several colleagues this week filled my h
CC Chapman: When my wife gave me a resin printer for Father's Day, I instantly had to print some miniatures. I grew up playing D&D, but could never afford the minis. I decided to give painting them a try and instantly loved it. I'm scaling them up since my eyesight
CC Chapman: Making a point to get out and try new things this summer. Dinner this weekend found us enjoying a delicious meal of small plates that ended with this chocolate cigar dessert and espresso cocktail at @gustazocubankitchenandbar in Waltham. The cocktails
CC Chapman: Commencement was this past weekend, and thanks to the rain, I have only this one photo with a student. But, I'm happy that if I'm only going to have one photo, it includes my colleague Ken who has been a cornerstone of support for me since arriving at Whe
CC Chapman: I finally got to swing by and check out the senior art showcase at the @beardandweil gallery today. Always inspiring to see the variety of work from these talented young @wheatoncollege artists who are about to graduate.
CC Chapman: Fun day helping Emily put up the chicken run outside of her new coop. The chicks are getting big and it was the perfect early spring day to be outside.
CC Chapman: My second book was translated into Arabic and I’ve been trying to acquire a copy for years. Recently a student helped me find a copy at a bookshop in Morocco and it is now here on my bookshelf. It is beautiful to see my words in such a gorgeous language a
CC Chapman: I love watching art (of any kind) be created. Obviously the artist has a sense of humor as he paints a new mural on the side of El Paisano’s just off the @arizonastateuniversity campus. Swing by to check out the mural and some next level birria tacos. #Fo
CC Chapman: I didn't know meaderies were a thing until last night when I enjoyed a variety of sweet and yummy types of mead at Phoenix’s Superstition Meadery. The taco trio was the right choice, with chicken mole, shrimp, and bison tacos in blue corn tortillas. I'm s
CC Chapman: 2022 ended on a great memory, with us cheering on ASU for a massive win over BC. Hockey has become a big part of our lives, and we had a blast being able to cheer on ASU in their new arena. It was weird to be rooting against a Boston team, though. I can’t
CC Chapman: Laptop out for a repair, so I'm grading on my iPad. As you can see I'm used to a much bigger monitor. It is going ok, but I prefer more real estate when I'm working. :)
CC Chapman: The final week of classes is always filled with presentations in my courses. This semester I'm co-teaching a first-year experience course with three other professors called “What's Your Story?” The final presentations are certainly different than my typic
CC Chapman: I love this courtyard outside of my office and now it has a beautiful new art installation by @eileenderosasart installed within in. I want to get on the roof of our building and take some better photos.
CC Chapman: Excited to be back at Bentley University for another season of Bentley Hockey. Proud alum and season ticket holder. #GoFalcons #BeAForce
CC Chapman: I’ve been in a reflective mood lately. Pondering the months ahead while looking at all I’ve accomplished in recent years. Taking the time to appreciate it all and be thankful I am doing what I am.
CC Chapman: End of summer tradition at George’s for fried seafood and onion rings. We were too full for the soft serve ice cream.
CC Chapman: The first day of of the school year is always a special day. I'm teaching four courses this semester and sprinkling in some new adventures. Have I mentioned lately how much I love teaching? 😉
CC Chapman: The healing continues for Jaz. She isn’t allowed to do much for at least four weeks, so she chills in my office with me. Yesterday I found her like this, and with plenty of open floor to lay on, this choice made me giggle. Her hair is growing back, and sh
CC Chapman: Two years ago, I wasn’t sure we’d ever do this again. As I reflect on our latest adventure, I’m thankful for our time together and all the exploring we have left to do.
CC Chapman: Morning Shadows
CC Chapman: I love the new shirt I bought from Dope Teacher Gear. It reads, “Teach Like Lives Depend On It.”
CC Chapman: Happy sixth birthday, Jaz.
CC Chapman: Today marked the end of another academic year of teaching. I always take a few moments after the students leave my last class to pause and reflect on the year. I'm going to write up something longer once my grading is complete, but it was a long year that
CC Chapman: Beautiful afternoon escape to Throwback Brewery in New Hampshire. The beer was cold and the food was amazing. Farm to table, woman-owned, and dog friendly. Plus, the best poutine I've had outside of Canada.