cbogart: eric and chris in hotel in salzburg
cbogart: the decorative egg store in salzburg
cbogart: salzburg panorama p1
cbogart: salzburg panorama p2
cbogart: salzburg panorama p3
cbogart: salzburg panorama p4
cbogart: salzburg escher 1
cbogart: salzburg escher 2
cbogart: salzburg some building
cbogart: salzburg altstadt from above
cbogart: chris and eric at hohensalzburg castle
cbogart: joey hohensalzburg
cbogart: chris and eric, hohensalzburg
cbogart: windows at hohensalzburg
cbogart: crenellations at hohensalzburg
cbogart: graffiti at hohensalzburg
cbogart: Austrian robot-monkey don't sign
cbogart: train up the mountain at hohensalzburg
cbogart: salzburg from above
cbogart: statue on a wall in salzburg
cbogart: salzburg desde arriba
cbogart: salzburg from space
cbogart: eric and chris in salzburg
cbogart: stairs up to hohensalzburg
cbogart: chris in Salzburg restaurant
cbogart: Joey and Eric in Salzburg restaurant
cbogart: some street in salzburg
cbogart: How do we get downtown from Hauptbahnhof?
cbogart: Hearts on train to Salzburg
cbogart: Don't dance off the train: gefährlich!