photomama777: Nikki ( a close up)
photomama777: Nikki on the carpet
photomama777: Nikki, taken in April 2012
photomama777: Adolescent Hawk (1)
photomama777: Dog watching me while I watched the hawk
photomama777: Flexing his Wing (Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk)
photomama777: Nikki - undercover
photomama777: MOONLIT PINE TREE
photomama777: Alex - favorite color is Orange
photomama777: green damselfly - Calopteryx maculata
photomama777: Simply Beautiful Seeds
photomama777: Mason #12, playing Soccer aka Futbol
photomama777: Red Tail Hawk
photomama777: Great Green Foliage
photomama777: All Eyes On The Ball