Keith Dixon: Cliffs of Moher and O'Briens Tower ©Keith Dixon-1
SmartyKatt: lovejoy
Duncan Hale-Sutton: The solar eclipse moment by moment
SmartyKatt: galloway widefield
stephen_r_usher: c2014-q2-lovejoy-tail
SmartyKatt: Deneb widefield
StephenGA: Waxing Crescent - 35% Illuminated
Keith Dixon: Fly ©Keith Dixon-15
StephenGA: International Space Station
horstm42: NLC 2014-06-19/20
stephen_r_usher: mars-14-06-05-20-28-13
stephen_r_usher: saturn-2014-06-05-22-08-17_R
StephenGA: Waning Gibbous - 64% Full
Steven Gray (stev74): Mars 15/04/14
John Napper: Mars April 8th 2014
StephenGA: M104 - The Sombrero Galaxy
StephenGA: Late Afternoon Halo
stephen_r_usher: jupiter-2014-03-09-18-55-29-small
Duncan Hale-Sutton: Great Langale from Skelwith Fold
Grant_R: Scott Monument from underneath
Grant_R: Purple Forth
Grant_R: Moonrise over the Forth Bridge
stephen_r_usher: jupiter-2014-03-04-20-21-22
stephen_r_usher: jupiter-2014-03-01-18-38-34
stephen_r_usher: jupiter-14-02-25-19-36-18
Grant_R: Edinburgh from Longniddry
David Small1: 2014_02_15 23_56_23
Sxinias: M81and 82 with Super Nova