Maureen Bond: the watcher
Maureen Bond: "where there is one, there are many"
Maureen Bond: California Poppy Hill
Vickie Lacharité: Coucher de soleil sur le lac
Vickie Lacharité: Sankt Albans Kirke Copenhague
Vickie Lacharité: Je suis passée la. Puis je suis allée la et la, et la aussi...
Vickie Lacharité: Marina de Narvik
Vickie Lacharité: On a marché dans la Mer du Nord
Vickie Lacharité: Vers les Écluse de Molenbeek à Bruxelles
..beth..: whispers in the dark
..beth..: 2 crows
..beth..: untitled,edit33
Regine Fahlbusch: Men in Black
Jan van der Wolf: Spiral staircase and shadows
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): 35mm Fomapan 100 Portrait
V A N D E E: Closely Lemons
V A N D E E: The Look
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): 50mm Thypoch Eureka Portrait
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): Leica II D + 9cm Elmar
V A N D E E: Crystal Walk
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): Leica I cameras - Blog post
Tom E.S.: Walking in France
davidbowden45: This n That
V A N D E E: With A Dog
dominique dubied: The Catedral
V A N D E E: Asymmetric Walk