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Arch Munic DIJON B 166 re Philippe Martin
Arch Munic DIJON B 161
ACO Peincede
ACO B 339
ACO B 339 2nd letter re Philippe Pot
ACO B 983 (document 1 re Phelippe Pot)
ACO B 983 (document 2 re Phelippe Pot)
ACO B 983 (document 3 re Phelippe Pot)
ACO B 983 (document 4 re Philippe Pot)
ACO B 983 (document 5 re Philippe Pot)
ACO B 983 (document 6 re Philippe Pot)
ACO B 983 (document 7 re Philippe Pot)
ACO B985
ACO B 1754
ACO B 1757
ACO B 1760
ACO B 1760 Champion
ACO B 1761
ACO B 1773 Champion
ACO B 1781 Champion
ACO B 6645
ACO B 10578
ACO B 10583
ADN B 2055 number 64021 re Loan
ADN B 2055 number 64020
ADN B 2055 number 64019
ADN B 2055 Numbers 63979 and 63980 re Phelippe Pot
ADN B 2055 number 63972 re Montbleru
ADN B 2055 number 63954
ADN B 2034 receipt general JAN SEP 1459 Guiot du Champ
ADN B 3662 inventory
ADN B 2056 number 64070 re Jean Martin
Play script in ADN - Jehan De Le Motte le grand et le petit
ADN B 333 letters re Ph Pot
ADN B 333 re St Pol
ADN B 1608
ADN B 1688
ADN B 1689
ADN B 1690
ADN B 1963
ADN B 1976 no 58512
ADN B 1976 number 58515
ADN B 2020 expenditure section
ADN B 2020 expense section
ADN B 2021 number 61613 paginated
ADN B 2021 61613
ADN B 2022 number 61614 re Roland Pippe
ADN B 2024 number 61799
ADN B 2025 numbers 61861 and 61806
ADN B 2026 fo 103r - 115r
ADN B 2030 fo 115r-192r
ADN B 2030 receipt section fo 1r-47r
ADN B 2031 number 62232 re Meriadec
ADN B 2031 number 62263 re St Yon
ADN B 2031 number 62268 re St Yon
ADN B 2032 number 62277
ADN B 2033 number 62400
ADN B 2034 small register (first in volume)
ADN B 2034 and ADN B 2034 preregister
ADN B2035 re Wavrin
ADN B 2035 number 62520 re Meriadec
ADN B 2036 (assorted documents)
ADN B 2036 number 63327
ADN B 2045 first register
ADN B 2045 second receipt in binding - partial for 1460-1 ~C47
ADN B 2046 Number 63327
ADN B 2047 #63529 5th Dec 1461
ADN B 2048 receipt section and loose preregister paginated including slightly smaller pager from cover of book
ADN B 2048
ADN B 2048 receipt section and small preregister
ADN B 2059 number 64310
ADN B 2069
ADN B 2081 number 65772
B 2262 number 78517.
ADN B 3340
ADN B 3375 number 113521
ADN B 3501 Ducal Library Inventory
Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles entry in Ducal Library Catalogue ADN B 3501
ADN B 3512
ADN B 3661
ADN B 3744 number138287
ADN B 11381 - Prevote du Quesnoy
ADN B 17678 re Watten
Georges Doutrepont Epitre on Burgundian Crusade
Georges Doutrepont Library of the Dukes of Burgundy
Valenciennes MS catalogue re Lannoy MS
Lille Municipal Archives
Arch. Munic. Douai CC622
ARCH Munic Douai DD90
COD 326 Recette Generale for 1441 in Courtrai Bibliotheque Municipale
Courtrai Codex 111 Jean de Lannoy's advice to his son
Sr de Crequy letter after battle of Montlhery Courtrai BM
Bruchet re Chaugy and the contruction of Palais Rihour
Delclos Chastellain
Bertrand Schnerb The Honour of the Marshallship book
Chevaliers de la toison d'or
Bourgogne France Angleterre au traite de Troyes by Pierre Champion and Paul de Thoisy
Aspects de la Guerre de Cent Ans (Picardy)
Louis XI by Jacques Heers
Jean de Lannoy book
Elodie Lecuppre Desjardins Urban theatricals
Monique Somme article about Birth and death of a prince at the Burgundian Court