repete7: Tusher Tunnel
das42_uk: Pebbles on the beach
lar3: Kelp Forest
chorltonred1: rhos on sea
Andrew Thomas 73: Olympic rings London 2012
Shutter wide shut: The Infrared Light
Zoemies...: #850D0646- Baan Saeng Dusk
ALX74: Empire
Sam Durrant: Snow Patrol Düsseldorf
Alex.Withers: I'm watching you
juanrfa: Bote en Cabanas
Francesca Lugli: In my hands
michaelrpf: 竹圍彩虹橋
Memo Vasquez: Huaipo
Hugo Carvoeira: St. Iria's Fair - Perspective
Nashville_Photog: Beautiful & Crisp Fall Day!
Frank C. Grace (Trig Photography): Sunrise at Palmer's Island Light
join the dots: Riot on an Empty Street
Nejdet Duzen: Sunset on the Beach
Ger Bosma: Groenling
gilxxl: Seagulls on the beach
orgazmo: Colorful Clouds
amberyamber: The creepy streets of Aber
Alex.Withers: Pencils
Sólveig Björg: blowball-sunset
Chalkie7: Reaching Out II
@rild: Nydalen T - again
Andrea Vascellari: If Social Media were a drug…