* Cati Kaoe *: Metal Field
* Cati Kaoe *: On the edge / Al filo
* Cati Kaoe *: Flowing
* Cati Kaoe *: Sky Drops
* Cati Kaoe *: Toffee
* Cati Kaoe *: Pleading
* Cati Kaoe *: In memoriam
* Cati Kaoe *: Metal Ribs
* Cati Kaoe *: Sake Barrels / Barriles de Sake
* Cati Kaoe *: Flower's heart
* Cati Kaoe *: Sunset at Chiloé
* Cati Kaoe *: Track of time
* Cati Kaoe *: War Commander / Comandante de Guerra
* Cati Kaoe *: Aires Bolivianos
* Cati Kaoe *: Carnaval
* Cati Kaoe *: Día de Bolivia / Bolivia's Day
* Cati Kaoe *: Yellow Crab
* Cati Kaoe *: Wild Chocolate
* Cati Kaoe *: Hanging out
* Cati Kaoe *: Virgin Blossom
* Cati Kaoe *: Overprotected
* Cati Kaoe *: Ready to fly
* Cati Kaoe *: In other times / En tiempos pasados / 他の時
* Cati Kaoe *: From the sky
* Cati Kaoe *: Color Code
* Cati Kaoe *: Lost childhood / Infancia perdida
* Cati Kaoe *: At the End of the Road // Al final del Camino
* Cati Kaoe *: Iron Rain / Lluvia de Acero
* Cati Kaoe *: Orange Limit