Cath69 - Cat Lover: Second degree burn wound on my leg.
Cath69 - Cat Lover: Second degree burn wound on my belly.
Cath69 - Cat Lover: My erysipelas is getting worse. Right leg.
Cath69 - Cat Lover: My erysipelas is getting worse. Left leg.
Cath69 - Cat Lover: I have erysipelas on both legs!
Cath69 - Cat Lover: My left very swollen foot.
Cath69 - Cat Lover: Right very swollen leg.
Cath69 - Cat Lover: Right very swollen foot.
Cath69 - Cat Lover: Left very swollen leg.
Cath69 - Cat Lover: Little cucumber plants
Cath69 - Cat Lover: Little cherry tomato plants
Cath69 - Cat Lover: All the vegetables together, the vegetables ham and sauce. And all together you get a big pan of macaroni stroganoff with fresh vegetables and ham.
Cath69 - Cat Lover: 5 big red peppers uncut and cut, mushrooms raw and baked.
Cath69 - Cat Lover: Unions, leek, corn and ham.
Cath69 - Cat Lover: Snacks I made for New Years Eve.
Cath69 - Cat Lover: Scrimp cocktail I made.
Cath69 - Cat Lover: Champagne, without alcohol for New Years Eve.
Cath69 - Cat Lover: My living room door
Cath69 - Cat Lover: My Christmas decorations
Cath69 - Cat Lover: My Christmas decorations
Cath69 - Cat Lover: My Christmas decorations
Cath69 - Cat Lover: My Christmas decorations
Cath69 - Cat Lover: My Christmas tree
Cath69 - Cat Lover: My Christmas decorations
Cath69 - Cat Lover: My Christmas tree
Cath69 - Cat Lover: My Christmas decorations
Cath69 - Cat Lover: My Christmas lights
Cath69 - Cat Lover: I am coming on the TV.
Cath69 - Cat Lover: I am coming on the TV.
Cath69 - Cat Lover: I am coming on the TV.