Cass Kiggins Photography: My annual project is now complete. I captured my daughter in all four seasons.❄️🌸☀️🍁😊🙏💖
Cass Kiggins Photography: Recap of my photography growth in 2016. It was a year of noticing interesting light, shadows & reflections and pushing myself to create emotive images.
Cass Kiggins Photography: Nov - Grateful for a brand new day, her perspective on the world, and all the adventures & learning opportunities that await us beyond our front door.
Cass Kiggins Photography: Nov - Grateful for a brand new day, her perspective on the world, and all the adventures & learning opportunities that await us beyond our front door.
Cass Kiggins Photography: Nov - Grateful for a brand new day, her perspective on the world, and all the adventures & learning opportunities that await us beyond our front door.
Cass Kiggins Photography: November- *Grateful* for all the darkness that leads us to the enlightenment & growth.What an incredible gift for our soul which is on a journey the long way home towards eternal light.
Cass Kiggins Photography: Aspen Mirror Lake Fall 2016
Cass Kiggins Photography: September - Self portrait
Cass Kiggins Photography: September/October - *Self portrait* (superimposed) "Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen." - Brene Brown
Cass Kiggins Photography: Bubbles and Yorkies her love runs deep!💞
Cass Kiggins Photography: August - *Faceless*
Cass Kiggins Photography: Smelling the flowers & dodging the bumble bees.
Cass Kiggins Photography: This one we both got just a glimpse of the tail & thought it was a snake! That ended your headshot photo shoot for the day. Could be the mama to the baby we saw earlier?
Cass Kiggins Photography: We went on an adventure exploring behind our lenses and you shot all on manual mode and did a great job!!
Cass Kiggins Photography: You see two flowers & I see two hearts. Perfect ending to a great day watching the last bit of light fade away.💞
Cass Kiggins Photography: Sneaky little guy quickly came scurrying out in front of us and made us both jump & scream. I love his stance here ... looks like he is ready to take on his world!
Cass Kiggins Photography: Rain play yesterday (7/28/16) and a first for her! So much fun getting soaked in the pouring rain!
Cass Kiggins Photography: July - Waterplay
Cass Kiggins Photography: Tarzan girl ... perched beside a Strawberry full moon (aligned with the setting sun) AND Summer Solstice that occurred on June 20th, 2016. It was a once-in-a-lifetime event and it was so jaw dropping gorgeous!!! 💓
Cass Kiggins Photography: June - *Komorebi* (n) - Japanese for sunlight that filters through the leaves of trees.
Cass Kiggins Photography: Miss Liberty with her 4th accessories ...
Cass Kiggins Photography: Provo Pool Fun - April 2016
Cass Kiggins Photography: Bubble maker ...
Cass Kiggins Photography: Bubble chaser ...
Cass Kiggins Photography: Komorebi - (in the desert) June theme
Cass Kiggins Photography: Komorebi - June theme
Cass Kiggins Photography: Komorebi - June theme
Cass Kiggins Photography: May - Imagination "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." -Albert Einstein