meemawsplace: string 001
Asja G: Catversations #4
Asja G: Catversations #9
meemawsplace: day 33
enajylime: Tangle Art
enajylime: Tangle Art
terem13: 20140702_ZT_Auraknot_brown background
PINKarazzi: sparks
Ilse Lukken: Zentangle, Black and white, Drupe, Featherfall, Fescu,
terem13: 20141014_Tan_Back2Sakura
terem13: 20141013_String_It_Bubbles
Mr. Ryke: NF - TanglePatterns String 122
enajylime: Spention
Poppie_60: coroline
Poppie_60: IMG_9244A
Victhor The Vegan AKA Heavy Metal Quilter: Oh worshippers of the mighty ALL #descendants #coffee #milo #gcf
Victhor The Vegan AKA Heavy Metal Quilter: #quilt #quilting #freemotion #longarm
zoetropico: Bette showing off her eyes.
zoetropico: Desert Altar
zoetropico: grill1_original