Carrie_W: Ferocious
Carrie_W: 276/365: Surf's Up!
Carrie_W: "I suppose you could borrow it while I'm taking a break..."
Carrie_W: "Noooooo.....Daddy....nooooo.....I don't want to go in the water!"
Carrie_W: Vendor Frisbees
Carrie_W: "I gots my own frisbee"
Carrie_W: "Pluh-eeeeeese?"
Carrie_W: "Are you kidding me?"
Carrie_W: Buddies
Carrie_W: Doggie Spa?
Carrie_W: "Hold on! I've got something in my ear and can't hear you"
Carrie_W: "I'm too pretty to get in and get all wet and stuff!"
Carrie_W: Waiting for the ball...
Carrie_W: "I gots it!"
Carrie_W: By Leaps and Bounds
Carrie_W: "I think I can. I think I can. I think I can."
Carrie_W: Comin' Back In
Carrie_W: ALL Golden Labs: Into the Pool!
Carrie_W: "Rough Water"
Carrie_W: "What?"
Carrie_W: "I'm almost there!"
Carrie_W: Neck and Neck
Carrie_W: "I want to go in..."
Carrie_W: Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!
Carrie_W: Aaaaaannnnnd.....THEY'RE OFF!
Carrie_W: "Are you suuuuure that you need both of those balls?"
Carrie_W: Double-mouthing it.
Carrie_W: "Hey! Did you hear the one about the bar?"
Carrie_W: Shake, Rattle, and Roll!
Carrie_W: "Hey! How YOU doin'?"