Carrie_W: IMG_5528
Carrie_W: IMG_5507
Carrie_W: IMG_5538
Carrie_W: IMG_5190
Carrie_W: IMG_5182
Carrie_W: IMG_5139
Carrie_W: IMG_5129
Carrie_W: IMG_5449
Carrie_W: IMG_5441
Carrie_W: IMG_5403
Carrie_W: IMG_5305
Carrie_W: IMG_5294
Carrie_W: IMG_5228
Carrie_W: IMG_5196
Carrie_W: Why must you point that thing at me?
Carrie_W: Canada 150 tulip look-a-likes
Carrie_W: Through the looking glass
Carrie_W: A REAL Canada 150 tulip
Carrie_W: Snoozin'
Carrie_W: Contemplative
Carrie_W: So many great places to sit and relax
Carrie_W: Quite a few stairs between the cottage and the road/parking lot
Carrie_W: A lil' spur of the moment art installation after we drive home from Bancroft
Carrie_W: Fall fog is beautiful
Carrie_W: The fog was glorious
Carrie_W: Great view for the hottub day and night!
Carrie_W: Wonderful dock!
Carrie_W: We enjoyed the fire pit so much!
Carrie_W: Love the canoe in the livingroom...doesn't get much more Canadian!
Carrie_W: Touching