Carrie_W: On the road to find out
Carrie_W: Public Library
Carrie_W: Lest We Forget
Carrie_W: October 5, 2007
Carrie_W: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Carrie_W: New Hamburg Independent
Carrie_W: Estate - New Hamburg, Ontario
Carrie_W: Slightly Askew
Carrie_W: For Every Thing, There Is a Season...Turn, Turn, Turn
Carrie_W: Ferris has nothing on this baby!
Carrie_W: Cue the Clown Music!
Carrie_W: Light Bugs
Carrie_W: Oh, to live on Sugar Mountain...with the barkers and the coloured balloons...
Carrie_W: Gazebo
Carrie_W: Time Capsule