Roy Pedlar: ICL Series 39 SX processor with the covers off
Greenwise: Why Are You All Running Away?
Rain Rabbit: Omer's stuff
Rain Rabbit: Me & Sevan enjoying Omer's Raspberry Pi workshop
linux-works: DIY: "vso" - a Very Small Oscillator (lm311)
Steve Parker: Shaun and Andrew
Steve Parker: Shaun
Alex_Pink: Jubilee E17
mym: contemptus mundi
Nick J Webb: Chilling with a frown
psd: RSA Catalyst Winners' Workshop
mym: panto
mym: rise and shine
oomlout: OSHK - Kit Pieces
Rain Rabbit: OSHCAMP: wonderfully designed Oomlout electronics packaging
Rain Rabbit: OSHCAMP: Aaron & Andrew
jermy: Motovun Jack
Steve Parker: Radio Shop
Phillie Casablanca: Lights, camera, action
ianmunroe: 350 Tag.
Rain Rabbit: Windy hair day in Brighton
linux-works: FAKE chinese-made capacitors
psd: NAND-cat
Nick J Webb: F1 Cockpit
Nick J Webb: Gears
Steve Parker: Douglas moving off
Rain Rabbit: Horn in the anechoic chamber & Andrew
psd: I miss the days of surfing the Web using Mosaic on Solaris 2.4 with 9.6k dialup to Demon (not the phone bills, though).
mym: varie