elena.: iphone_utah 285
elena.: You're looking at a fresh pack of PADI certified open water divers! 👌❤️🌊🐠🐟🐢
haley et: P4286899
Dara Weinberg: _MG_1128
fightwithknives: Hiking adventure
fightwithknives: We actually enjoyed ourselves
elena.: made it!
elena.: This was the most miserable part of the hike.
jamiesil: IMG_2002
jamiesil: IMG_2013
Dara Weinberg: _MG_0616
kathleendoise: P1020021
LibraryatNight: Hey Philly jawns, look what I found in Carlsbad, CA!
elena.: Made the top knot as close as it could get to heaven. On Angels Landing.
elena.: Psyched on Bryce! Weird face! Look at those rocks!
elena.: Eingang for Carol