carol p fahey: Hello Moorea!
carol p fahey: moe-oh-RAY-uh
carol p fahey: classic
carol p fahey: arrival at Legends Resort
carol p fahey: outside villa
carol p fahey: inside villa
carol p fahey: Josh likes what he sees
carol p fahey: Josh's bday! scooter rental!
carol p fahey: Josh's bday! tropical garden
carol p fahey: vanilla plants
carol p fahey: explaining how to "marry" the vanilla
carol p fahey: vanilla flower
carol p fahey: view from garden
carol p fahey: Josh's bday! Juice Factory!
carol p fahey: liqueur tasting
carol p fahey: Rotui juice fridge
carol p fahey: looks so easy
carol p fahey: Josh's bday! snorkeling!
carol p fahey: ocean life
carol p fahey: friends
carol p fahey: love this guy
carol p fahey: private beach
carol p fahey: yay Josh's birthday!!
carol p fahey: birthday beach trip
carol p fahey: birthday wish came true!
carol p fahey: so happy