jwlphotography: kristin_14
Victoria West Photos: Perfect Poser Kale
Victoria West Photos: My Fur babies
/retrey: Eighteen 057
Devilstar: Sofia
Andy S. Foster: Relocation Of A Home
Tansy Liverwort: Who's there?
Tansy Liverwort: Sammy on the porch
gracemlau: The Face in the Tree
gracemlau: Strawberry Sky
gracemlau: Pop Culture is Life.
Iris Erlings: Ein niðursokkin
Iris Erlings: Píla og blómið :)
"Out Shooting" photos :): HDR Hut enroute to Mt Cook
dHaN'z: the crater...
A Different Perspective: I'll just take this call
A Different Perspective: Isosceles inward
beccleigh: gravity
kiwi photo lover: Dawn Tulips
pepa.vives: PV_6227284
krondox: Kirra - The Snow Loving Papillon
tumbledbones: 76 | Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.
kiwi photo lover: Sunlit Waterdrop Portrait
kiwi photo lover: Winter Rose 2