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albums of carlanthonytaylor
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eider - somateria mollissima
purple sandpiper - calidris maritima
goshawk - accipiter gentilis
leucistic & melanistic
eurasian oystercatcher - haematopus ostralegus
carrion crow - corvus corone
barn owl - tyto alba
razorbill - alca torda
common guillemot - uria aalge
fulmar - fulmarus glacialis
chough - pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
fallow deer - dama dama
mute swan - cygnus olor
eurasian nuthatch - sitta europaea
eurasian sparrowhawk - accipiter nisus
peregrine falcon - falco peregrinus
northern lapwing - vanellus vanellus
gadwall - anas stepera
common shelduck - tadorna tadorna
cormorant - phalacrocorax carbo
eurasian treecreeper - certhia familiaris
mistle thrush - turdus pilaris
rook - corvus frugilegus
song thrush - turdus philomelos
common pheasant - phasianus colchicus
bearded reedling - panurus biarmicus
great tit - parus major
great spotted woodpecker - dendrocopus major
european blue tit - cyanistes caeruleus
brambling - fringilla montifringilla
cretzschmar's bunting - emberiza caesia
eleonora's falcon - falco eleonorae
grey wagtail - motacilla cinerea
rock pipit - anthus petrosus
hawfinch - coccothraustes coccothraustes
short-toed treecreeper - certhia brachydactyla
european shag - phalacrocorax aristotelis
black stork - ciconia nigra
white pelican - pelecanus onocrotalus
little bittern - ixobrychus minutus
hen harrier - circus cyaneus
penduline tit - remiz pendulinus
striated heron - butorides striata
cyprus coal tit - periparus ater cypriotes
water pipit - anthus spinoletta
moustached warbler - acrocephalus melanopogon
bonelli's eagle - aquila fasciata
black redstart - phoenicurus ochrurus
crested lark - galerida cristata
kingfisher - alcedo atthis
chukar - alectoris chukar
little ringed plover - charadrius dubius
barn swallow - hirundo rustica
isabelline wheatear - oenanthe isabelline
house sparrow - passer domesticus
rufous-tailed rock thrush - monticola saxatilis
serin - serinus serinus
goldfinch - carduelis carduelis
semicollared flycatcher - ficedula semitorquata
lesser whitethroat - sylvia curruca
black-crowned night heron - nycticorax nycticorax
black-winged stilt - himantopus himantopus
cretzschmar's bunting - emberiza caesia
wryneck - jynx torquilla
ferruginous duck - aythya nyroca
linnet - carduelis cannabina
tawny pipit - anthus campestris
woodchat shrike - lanius senator
pied kingfisher - ceryle rudis
yellow wagtail - motacilla flava
black-headed yellow wagtail - motacilla flava feldegg
great spotted cuckoo - clamator glandarius
lesser kestrel - falco naumanni
spectacled warbler - sylvia conspicillata
blackcap - sylvia atricapilla
corn bunting - emberiza calandra
spanish sparrow - passer hispaniolensis
tree pipit - anthus trivialis
cuckoo - cuculus canorus
common sandpiper - actitis hypoleucos
spotted redshank - tringa erythropus
short-toed lark - calandrella brachydactyla
little gull - hydrocoloeus minutus
masked shrike - lanius nubicus
squacco heron - ardeola ralloides
little tern - sternula albifrons
little owl - athene noctua
nightingale - luscinia megarhynchos
olivaceous warbler - iduna pallida
reed warbler - acrocephalus scirpaceus
cattle egret - bubulcus ibis
glossy ibis - plegadis falcinellus
eurasian coot - fulica atra
cetti's warbler - cettia cetti
moorhen - gallinula chloropus
red-backed shrike - lanius collurio
cyprus wheatear - oenanthe cypriaca
zitting cisticola - cisticola juncidis
spotted flycatcher - muscicapa striata
eurasian jay - garrulus glandarius
whinchat - saxicola ruberta
black-eared wheatear - oenanthe hispanica
common snipe - gallinago gallinago
great reed warbler - acrocephalus arundinaceus
water rail - rallus aquaticus
bluethroat - luscinia svecica
jack snipe - lymnocryptes minimus
wallcreeper - tichodroma muraria
white wagtail - motacilla alba
northern wheatear - oenanthe oenanthe
baltic gull - larus fuscus fuscus
hooded crow - corvus cornix
black-tailed godwit - limosa limosa
collared flycatcher - ficedula albicollis
red-throated pipit - anthus cervinus
yellow wagtail - motacilla flava
purple heron - ardea purpurea
european bee-eater - merops apiaster
red-footed falcon - falco vespertinus
house martin - delichon urbicum
little crake - porzana parva
kentish plover - charadrius alexandrinus
red-necked phalarope - phalaropus lobatus
european roller - coracias garrulus
red-rumped swallow - cecropis daurica
ruddy turnstone - arenaria interpres
greenshank - tringa nebularia
demoiselle crane - grus virgo
sedge warbler - acrocephalus schoenobaenus
avocet - recurvirostra avosetta
broad-billed sandpiper - limicola falcinellus
lesser grey shrike - lanius minor
montagu's harrier - circus pygargus
willow warbler - phylloscopus trochilus
bar-tailed godwit - limosa lapponica
greater flamingo - phoenicopterus roseus
sanderling - calidris alba
curlew sandpiper - calidris ferruginea
western marsh harrier - circus aeruginosus
green sandpiper - tringa ochropus
temminck's stint - calidris temminckii
red knot - calidris canutus
little stint - calidris minuta
ruff - philomachus pugnax
white stork - ciconia ciconia
wood sandpiper - tringa glareola
spur-winged lapwing - vanellus spinosus
european honey buzzard - pernis apivorus
dunlin - calidris alpina
citrine wagtail - motacilla citerola
ringed plover - charadrius hiaticula
redshank - tringa totanus
marsh sandpiper - tringa stagnatilis
collared pratincole - glareola pratincola
grey plover - pluvialis squatarola
osprey - pandion haliaetus
little grebe - tachybaptus ruficollis
little egret - egretta garzetta
yellow-legged gull - larus michahellis
nothern shoveler - anas clypeata
black-headed gull - chroicocephalus ridibbundus
eurasian teal - anas crecca
mediterranean gull - larus melanocephalus
armenian gull - larus armenicus
sandwich tern - sterna sandvicensis
blue rock thrush - monticola solirarius
cyprus warbler - sylvia melanothorax
common gull - larus canus
sardinian warbler - sylvia melanocephala
slender-billed gull - chroicocephalus genei
pallid harrier - circus macrourus
long-legged buzzard - buteo rufinus
meadow pipit - anthus pratensis
hoopoe - upupa epops
rüppell's warbler - sylvia rueppelli
subalpine warbler - sylvia cantillans
waxwing - bombycilla garrulus
european robin - erithacus rubecula
reed bunting - emberiza schoeniclus
tufted duck - aythya fuligula
great crested grebe - podiceps cristatus
dunnock - prunella modularis
wren - troglodytes troglodytes
western jackdaw - corvus monedula
magpie - pica pica
tawny owl - strix aluco
chiffchaff - phylloscopus collybita
red grouse - lagopus lagopus scotica
dipper - cinclus cinclus
common buzzard - buteo buteo
egyptian goose - alopochen aegyptiaca
common kestrel - falco tinnunculus
grey heron - ardea cinerea
stonechat - saxicola torquatus
great egret - casmerodius albus
fieldfare - turdus pilaris
starling - sturnus vulgaris
redwing - turdus iliacus
pied wagtail - motacilla alba
blackbird - turdus merula
long-tailed tit - aegithalos caudatus
chaffinch - fringilla coelebs
greenfinch - chloris chloris
Old photos.