Jonquil O: This is Cayenne, my sassy, spicey girl
Du Didier: Simply Poppy
rcollie97: Remember the fun of tosses leaves in the air... *sigh*
rcollie97: Wren
pure_embers: Walled in πŸƒ
PruchanunR.: Agnes Von Weiss The Queen of Everything
Nata-leto: Eugenia English Rose
Du Didier: 10/10 Must love me... I must love me...
mmarusya11: _MG_8703
AlexForbes: We are family!
AlexForbes: Pickles
k07doll: Winsome Willow
Dafnedolls: DSC_0483
Sandra Efigénio: Luzia by Dafnery @ Ilha do Pico
Sandra Efigénio: Annag's first selfie
k07doll: Cherie Babette
momodolly: πŸ‘§πŸ»
I_Have_wings: Kitsune strollin' around Kyoto. She is up for adoption if you are interested. Email me for details and more pictures. #ihavewings #dollartistry #blythe #customdoll #kitsune
k07doll: A new tan girl for myself
k07doll: Cherry Beach Sunset
tati68 .: πŸ’— adopted
Lindy Dolldreams: DSC_0021 (2)
Elena_art: IMG_3125 - 122