Vendigo: Irina
Spoe70: SAP_8886-Edit
Fabienne Lin: #selfie
mikeSF_: Night Lights
Alfie | Japanorama: Long exposure with Hasselblad H4D-40 and HC 300mm f/4.5
台灣影像圖庫,莊信賢影像世界: L06982,合歡山-太魯閣國家公園-南投縣-仁愛鄉-雪景-雪-星軌-星空-星跡-石門山-夜景#
Anastasia Volkova: it's been a while
mikeSF_: Bixby Bridge Sunset
zenyo: DSC_7167
rosiehardy: Encore (client work)
_Paula AnDDrade: Motherhood: the Sunshine of Her Life
David Olkarny Photography: Simplicity is ultimately a matter of focus.
akirat2011: Observation Deck in the Night
*dans: Taipei 101 fireworks usher in New Year 2013 台北101跨年煙火
霞客 丁: 遊夕華城 九五至尊
Fabienne Lin: That Day
datson_teo: Marisa Ong
Lara Swift: at the window
Alexia Sinclair: Patronage
Georg F. Klein: Paulina #10