B.Toronto: DSC_2321
Lucia Cysneiros: Amanhecer
Shedugengan: Northern Cardinal
minus1349: fin tragique de la cueillette de champignons ,,,
minus1349: 1900 ... punition en Chine ...
Eugenio GV Costa: The Champion - Piazza Duomo Ortigia
まさ masami: 20240826_006_2
lezumbalaberenjena: At the vintage car rental station, waiting for one these old taxis to depart towards the north of the province once again. We are going today to Vega de Palma village in Villa Clara province, Cuba 2024
jessiemann1: Two roses. Sony RX10m4
Richard Harvey UK: Madeleine Inbound
Canadapt: 'Mixed Messages'
Pierre Casavant: Bécasseau sanderling, Sanderling, Calidris alba. DSC_2612-2.jpg
ag Art: Walking around
B.Toronto: DSC_2368
arbyreed: Red and Green
galsafrafoto: Cordyline fruticosa berries
Satineal: Douceur du vert
perspicaciousphoto: Bee Slumber Party
nephilim5626: 320A7537
Claude R.: Petite syrphe
AM2656: Hier au port, sous le soleil...
murielle1957: Le mystère des vieilles pierres. The mystery of old stones.
Pianojan: Beach Bum
glacwyat29: Jardín Botánico, CABA
Mireille L.: HLCoF! Two white porcelain dolphins
s2bw: Scooter Lisboa
Mihai.Matei: Autumn Red DayLily
angelakanner: First Day Of School...
r.varga: Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus)