Galshooter: BEVB1173
Galshooter: 2016-03-12 22.07.38
Galshooter: 20170114_144729
Galshooter: 20170114_200943
Galshooter: 20150420_190135
Galshooter: My very friendly resident robin coming first thing this morning for his mealworms.
Galshooter: Hockley woods first thing in the morning.
Galshooter: A thrush listening for worms.
Galshooter: Lesser spotted woodpecker
Galshooter: Robins first chicks hatching
Galshooter: Blue tit hatchlings
Galshooter: The Nuthatch
Galshooter: The Coal tit
Galshooter: The wren
Galshooter: Male Blue tit wanting the female.
Galshooter: My blue tits in their box.
Galshooter: Blue tit pair
Galshooter: Female blue tit
Galshooter: Male and female blue tits
Galshooter: My robin chicks.