canonguy5: common grackle..
canonguy5: was that my husband that flew right by me ??
canonguy5: anybody seen my friends ?????
canonguy5: fox sparrow..
canonguy5: common grackle..
canonguy5: common grackle..
canonguy5: blue beautiful jay ....
canonguy5: the close up ...
canonguy5: red breasted merganser..
canonguy5: redtail hawk..
canonguy5: red breasted merganser..
canonguy5: on a perfect morning drive...
canonguy5: female turkey
canonguy5: beautiful fox sparrow...
canonguy5: fox sparrow..
canonguy5: Fox sparrow
canonguy5: white throated sparrow..
canonguy5: for the love of cardinals..
canonguy5: for the love of cardinals..
canonguy5: cardinal n white throated sparrow..
canonguy5: for the love of cardinals..
canonguy5: for the love of cardinals..
canonguy5: tell me how cute i am !!
canonguy5: mallard duck..
canonguy5: up close ...
canonguy5: the landing ....
canonguy5: framed by nature ....
canonguy5: the beauty of the mallard duck...
canonguy5: exposing the beautiful colors of a mallard duck ...
canonguy5: lucky shot !!!!!!!