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Can Müjde
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Can Müjde
don't bark to us.
Can Müjde
cats of Burgaz.
Can Müjde
its like our home
Can Müjde
our secret italy.
Can Müjde
banana spot.
Can Müjde
hike - stop - breathe - kiss.
Can Müjde
i wanted to take a photo of you here
Can Müjde
embracing the mess
Can Müjde
chaos (istanbul) calling
Can Müjde
the queen has her king now.
Can Müjde
my safe place
Can Müjde
happy ties
Can Müjde
they were staring us
Can Müjde
while you were sleeping so deep <3
Can Müjde
we saw sea otter. together.
Can Müjde
our favorite photo corner.
Can Müjde
okay we have princess too.
Can Müjde
the sun don't burn anymore(but you do)
Can Müjde
middle of a paradox
Can Müjde
okay birds aren't real but dont put them in the cage please.
Can Müjde
see you then
Can Müjde
one man's trash is another man's treasure
Can Müjde
breathe deep on a freezing beach
Can Müjde
taste the salt of friendship
Can Müjde
notice the movement of a stranger
Can Müjde
hold your own
Can Müjde
and let it be
Can Müjde
Can Müjde
hold your own
Can Müjde
hold your lovers
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