candidate: L.A. forecast highs in the 90’s today.
candidate: Vik, Iceland
candidate: That moment where you’re living in LA and thinking of home in SF and marveling how lucky you are to be breathing clearer air.
candidate: All of it.
candidate: The southern end of the peninsula.
candidate: From this weekend.
candidate: This picture comes with its own caption!
candidate: For perspective, look at the ridge at right, lined with people. This is not a small waterfall.
candidate: upload
candidate: Wide sea, narrow palette.
candidate: Somewhere between Siglufjordur and Akureyri.
candidate: But enough about me. Here's a picture of Gullfoss with a rainbow.
candidate: Status update: I live here now.
candidate: upload
candidate: Icelandic dreamscapes.
candidate: On the coast in southern Iceland.
candidate: At glacier's edge, hoping the ice holds underfoot.
candidate: This is how close you can get to the continent's most powerful waterfall.
candidate: upload
candidate: If only there was a way to photograph the smell of this place.
candidate: Northern Iceland
candidate: Sailing the wooly seas.
candidate: upload
candidate: Shooting in broad daylight.
candidate: Iceland.
candidate: The pandhandle.
candidate: Fort Mason, San Francisco.
candidate: All the smoke has shasta looking like a watermark.
candidate: This is a single tree. Olympic National Park, WA.
candidate: upload