Walters Art Museum Illuminated Manuscripts: Illuminated Manuscript, Compendium of computistical texts, Above: Diagram of the harmony of the year and seasons; Below: Diagram of the harmony of the elements, seasons, and humors, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.73, fol. 8r
nathalie booth: Untitled
saulo dias |designer|: detalhe miolo da caderneta cadernorama verde
ILoveDoodle: Day 72: Something Fishy
ramseyarnaoot: Damascus Spice Souq
mtrutledge: beard 2 bear2.jpg
mtrutledge: beard 2 beard.jpg
mtrutledge: Boat_Punks_18_by_mtrutledge
mtrutledge: Boat_Punks_8_by_mtrutledge
mtrutledge: Boat_Punks_7_by_mtrutledge
mtrutledge: Boat_Punks_1_by_mtrutledge
mtrutledge: Boat_Punks_4_by_mtrutledge