C. Hartley Photos: Charlie Brown Shot
C. Hartley Photos: Be Thankful and...
C. Hartley Photos: Wild Roses for You
C. Hartley Photos: Along the Yellow Brick Road to Oz...
C. Hartley Photos: There's Mommy!!
C. Hartley Photos: In the Yard with Grandpa
C. Hartley Photos: Another from the same shoot.
C. Hartley Photos: From a senior portrait session last Sept.
C. Hartley Photos: Announcing the Arrival of Crocus Season!
C. Hartley Photos: My Son, Casey.
C. Hartley Photos: Frank Linza and Lizzy
C. Hartley Photos: Felt Like a Still Life Tonight
C. Hartley Photos: Felt Like a Still Life Tonight
C. Hartley Photos: Quack, quack, gag, gag----it's duck eggs for breakfast
C. Hartley Photos: Oh, Summer, Where for Art Thou?
C. Hartley Photos: Practicing processing and portraits again.
C. Hartley Photos: Practicing layering in a background.......
C. Hartley Photos: Window Light
C. Hartley Photos: Wild Iris in New Mexico
C. Hartley Photos: White Cat Hair + Black Pants = Getting Creative
C. Hartley Photos: Had Time for a Portrait Session Today.....finally!
C. Hartley Photos: People, Start Your Engines and ...
C. Hartley Photos: Can Your Christmas Tree Do This???? Ours Can!!
C. Hartley Photos: From a studio portrait session
C. Hartley Photos: Grape-a-licious!
C. Hartley Photos: R U a Fan of Fennel
C. Hartley Photos: Park Your Punkin Here