CamStark: Remember that even with the shade trees bring, they are 90% air, and will always let your light shine through. . Never let the trees of this world block out all your light. Keep shining, you never know who needs your light and warmth today. . #inspiration
CamStark: Sometimes we all need a reminder to be patient. . Please wait. Stop. Breathe. Relax. . Take time to be present, to be patient, to be understanding. . #inspiration #wednesday #patience #please #wait
CamStark: There are always demons over your shoulder whispering to take the easy way out. . But the easy way out often doesn't come from love, it doesn't come from good, it doesn't provide the best outcome. . When the demons of your life start whispering, breathe,
CamStark: As the light of day begins to hide the dark of night, so too our lives should awaken and create light in the world to share. . Let's find a way to share love, light, beauty with the world today. Happy Tuesday! . #inspiration #tuesday #light #love #beauty
CamStark: Oh hey, Maryland. I like your shine. . Today is Blue Monday... The saddest day of the year. It also would have been my dad's birthday. So, today should be doubly sad for me, but it's not. Because I choose to be happy. I am so blessed to have awakened in a
CamStark: I've wanted to read more this year, so here's the start of it... I currently have at least five books I'm partially through. This book is 210 pages. Vegas currently has me as the underdog, with the over/under at 133 pages.
CamStark: Another day, another plane, another latte. . Here's hoping your Sunday is relaxing and well caffeinated. Mine will be.
CamStark: Let the clouds of your life insulate and keep you warm. . So often we let the day to day burdens weigh our life down, when we need to breathe those burdens in, love the challenge they provide, and love the growth and warmth they provide. . In Northern Uta
CamStark: Alright... I’ll jump on the bandwagon. #10yearchallenge
CamStark: There is often a barrier preventing you from a hieving your goal. However, these barriers make us stronger, keep us thinking outside the box, and pushing us to get through them. . When we accomplish our goal and look back at the obstacles, they become mon
CamStark: It’s the differences that make us stand out in a world that is the same. . How we choose to use the differences that make you, you, is what defines us. . Do you use your unique superpowers for good, or evil? Do you uplift, or tear down? Do you amplify the
CamStark: This. . My work family. We’re not perfect. We’re a little crazy. We’re stubborn. . But. . We’re passionate. We’re driven. We complement one another. (We also compliment one another) . I am blessed to work with this group of amazingness that pushes one ano
CamStark: How amazing would it be to have an elevated, fixed path that would take us to our destination? . We wouldn’t need to worry about obstacles, things obstructing our path, or the chance of getting sidetracked along the way. . We also wouldn’t be challenged,
CamStark: Hey guys. I heard there’s free refills all day on these powder turns!
CamStark: Yesterday was the first day back to work after the holidays. . While it was a struggle, I was all smiles - to get back into a routine, to start a new year interacting with my amazing work family, and to put the head down, headphones on, and whittle away o
CamStark: I wanted to be certain that 2018 was in the books, and it is! My #bestnine2018 is full of friends, music, travel, skiing, and beauty. I can’t wait to see the memories captured in 2019!
CamStark: The darkness of night fades into the light of day, while we stand, a silhouette, frozen in space, ready to conquer what is to come. . I love dawn, because everything transforms from dark, colorless shapes, to lively, saturated works of art. We see, in liv
CamStark: Have you defined the path for your life, or are you waiting for life to define it for you? . Now is the time to figure out where you want to go and start. . My friend @eliaiscool reminded me this morning that as 2018 wraps up, we should wrap up our fears,
CamStark: You can't reach the finish if you don't start. . The morning alarm always seem to ring a little too soon, but it is a good reminder that now is the time to start. Pressing snooze always feels good in the moment, but I never regret getting up with the firs
CamStark: How often do you get tunnel vision? . Look around today and see what else might be around the corner. When we get dead set on what is in front of us, we will miss the things around us. . Maybe there's an opportunity to change someone's life. Maybe an oppo
CamStark: A few years ago, I bought this coat online, wanting a nice car coat, and it was on sale. When I received it, it was a little tight. Okay, it was a lottle tight. I thought about returning it, but I had the goal to get back in shape. This year, I'm making g
CamStark: Where do you set your sight? . We can reach the sky, if we shoot for the stars. We don't need to get to our long term goal today, but we should set some short term goals to get us there eventually. . I had a good reminder last night from a friend. When I
CamStark: Photo
CamStark: Photo
CamStark: Photo
CamStark: What a welcome to Boston! . @bri.sirotnak and @soulcycle Seaport, thank you! After a red eye, it felt wonderful to stretch my legs and find my soul with the most amazing people in New England! . Alright Boston, what else do I need to see and do? . #weeken
CamStark: What a welcome to Boston! . @bri.sirotnak and SoulCycle Seaport, thank you! After a red eye, it felt wonderful to stretch my legs and find my soul with the most amazing people in New England! . Alright Boston, what else do I need to see and do? . #weekend
CamStark: Riding chair 1 into the weekend feels. . For those unfamiliar with the chair 1 lore, it is good luck for a good ride to be on chair 1. There are athletes who will wait for chair 1 to come around before they race. . Here's hoping whatever chair you're ridi
CamStark: Riding chair 1 into the weekend feels. . For those unfamiliar with the chair 1 lore, it is good luck for a good ride to be on chair 1. There are athletes who will wait for chair 1 to come around before they race. . Here's hoping whatever chair you're ridi
CamStark: It's a new dawn. . It's a new day. It's a new life, for me. And I'm feeling good. . Thank you for all the love, messages, texts, phone calls, and carrier pigeons yesterday. I truly felt love from around the world and was amazed at how many friends I had.