Camp of Champions:
@huntervisser sending it.
Camp of Champions:
@themanboys World Premiere of their new movie is Sept. 23 in Whistler. Check when the movie premieres in your area.
Camp of Champions:
@marksollors oozing with style. @josh.dooley.foto. Make sure you get tickets to the premiere of @themanboys new movie when it hits your town. Whistler premiere is Sept.23rd #burtonsnowboards @monsterenergy
Camp of Champions:
We're running out of free boards from @gnusnowboards and @libtechnologies sign up soon it you'll miss out.
Camp of Champions:
@brinalexander and @sandbox are fixtures at camp. If you think you'd make a good fixture here, sign up right now. You'll save $350 and we'll send you a new snowboard from @burtonsnowboards @gnusnowboards or @libtechnologies or a @GoPro #hero4black whil
Camp of Champions:
Summer is almost over and so are the free boards and GoPro's. We're down to our last few of each that we send you when you sign up for Deluxe Camp. Deluxe Camp is $350 cheaper than last year until Oct. 1. But we will be out of free stuff long before that.
Camp of Champions:
@dreamboatsmfg captain, @themanboys kind of captain and your coach @chrisrasman sending it. Sign up now for next summer and save $350 and get a free @gopro or board from @libtechnologies @gnusnowboards or @burtonsnowboards
Camp of Champions:
@smashley911 Mid #wildcat going bad. I've always wondered... Is claiming a trick gone bad subject to the same rules as stomping a trick? Gotta do it twice in a row to claim it? Ask @smashley911 when you see her at camp next summer. #summercamp #commitmen
Camp of Champions:
@travisrice says "The two years I came to camp changed my life!" On Sept 8 #thefourthphase has its world premiere and it's gonna change your life. His movies are like that. @redbull @libtechnologies
Camp of Champions:
You know you are sentimental when you are cleaning your house and you can't chuck your old waxing iron because you remember so many good days it gave you. From 12yr old ski racer punk to snowboarder to free skiing to summer camp. It's waxed 'em all. #pat
Camp of Champions:
Who won? @mikecappola or @milbocker in The Game of Slvsh@ we will find out Tuesday August 9. @revisionskis @theslvsh @campofchampions #freeskiing #summercamp #skicamp #SummerDoesn'tGetBetterThanThis
Camp of Champions:
#SummerDoesn'tGetBetterThanThis. Chris DePaula kicking it at @oneillnorthamerica week at Camp of Champions. Come be a part of it. #snowboarding #summercamp @whistlerblackcomb
Camp of Champions:
@voltfuse is missing camp in Abigail way. Post up how you are missing camp and your hoody size and I'll pick a winner and send them something good. Tag anyone you'd like to come with.
Camp of Champions:
@harryg #methodmonday at camp with @Sandboxland thanks for the photo @adamlevitt Camp for $250 a week?! What?! Check our website for details.
Camp of Champions:
Camp is $350 cheaper right now than registering in the spring. You also get to choose from a free @gnusnowboards @libtechnologies @burtonsnowboards or a GoPro Hero 4 Black. We send you one now, so with the discount, you can save about $1000 as you don't n
Camp of Champions:
Camp of Champions:
Camp of Champions:
Camp of Champions:
Camp of Champions:
Camp of Champions:
Camp of Champions:
Camp of Champions:
Camp of Champions:
Camp of Champions:
Camp of Champions:
Camp of Champions:
Camp of Champions:
Camp of Champions:
Camp of Champions: