mgtelu: Famous Popcorn Place
mgtelu: Imagine
mgtelu: University Square
mgtelu: Senior Citizens Center
mgtelu: Skyway
mgtelu: Train Going Through Downtown Rochester
mgtelu: I Am Free
mgtelu: Off on His Own
mgtelu: Minimalist Wall Pieces
mgtelu: Painted Wall Pieces
mgtelu: Five Pieces
mgtelu: Play at Mayo Clinic
mgtelu: Dance at Mayo Clinic
mgtelu: Mobile
mgtelu: Play and Dance
mgtelu: Mayo Clinic Cafeteria
mgtelu: Gonda Lobby
mgtelu: Barnes and Noble
mgtelu: Colorful Mannequin
mgtelu: The Nordic Shop
mgtelu: Shops at the University Square
mgtelu: Shamrock
mgtelu: Stained Glass Wall
mgtelu: Stained Glass Ceiling
mgtelu: Advice from Dr. William J. Mayo
mgtelu: Two Cats
mgtelu: Cafeteria Ceiling
mgtelu: Jean D'Aire
mgtelu: Our Family of Benefactors
mgtelu: Rookwood Drinking Fountain