camera shy momma: finalist :: dark and stormy
camera shy momma: 68 :: 365
camera shy momma: today :: a day out in the woods
camera shy momma: inside outside upside down
camera shy momma: the things we hold dear
camera shy momma: how we see...
camera shy momma: this joy+ride
camera shy momma: beneath my feet :: cape elizabeth :: I love the rocks of maine
camera shy momma: ferrotype :: collodion
camera shy momma: me. seeking grace.
camera shy momma: feel it all
camera shy momma: lightness of being
camera shy momma: golden child
camera shy momma: sweethearts just before the plunge
camera shy momma: september 6
camera shy momma: "I didn't listen to her because she was my mother & wouldn't know anything until I was much older."
camera shy momma: change of season
camera shy momma: reflections on maine
camera shy momma: valentine