Zoriah: zoriah_kenya_famine_kakuma_refugee_camp_irc_international_rescue_committee_aid_hunger_starvation_shortage_20090127_9024
World Economic Forum: Europe at a Tipping Point: David Miliband
carf: Good moments...
Eric Lafforgue: Daasanach tribe girl with a wig made of bottle caps on the head - Omorate Ethiopia
Héctor Conesa: Valentía
Jeff Clow: Amaryllis Stems Black
ourcommon: soccer game cheers
Maciej Dakowicz: Stung Meanchey - the garbage dump in Phnom Penh, Cambodia - 4
Maciej Dakowicz: Pink hat - the garbage dump in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Vít Hassan: Power of wild nature........
Sky Hi: lightburst
AnomalousNYC: A Kiss Goodbye
Jimee, Jackie, Tom & Asha: Pregnancy Sand Drawing
Sky Hi: sky twigs
dristis-mudra: kashmir-street-scene1
dristis-mudra: Paris-Silouhette
dristis-mudra: ChildrenMexico_0
corn.at: Katja_28-1