camera_rwanda: Gafishi Daniel Photographs His Mother For The First Time
camera_rwanda: Gasabato Nyiramutuzo Clenie Making a Photograph
camera_rwanda: Carine Asha at Kiziba Camp, Kibuye, Rwanda
camera_rwanda: Sekarara Augustin
camera_rwanda: Amini Theophile in the Field
camera_rwanda: Gafishi Daniel Making Photographs in the Field
camera_rwanda: Amin Theophile (far left)
camera_rwanda: Amini Theophile in the Field
camera_rwanda: Photographer and Refugee Amini Theophile
camera_rwanda: Photographer and Refugee Ayinkamiye Anuarite
camera_rwanda: Photographer and Refugee Byishimo J. Baptiste.NEF
camera_rwanda: Kiziba Camp Refugees' Lives Exhibited and Dignified
camera_rwanda: Kiziba Refugee Camp
camera_rwanda: By Refugee and Photographer Ayinkamiye
camera_rwanda: With Refugee and Photographer Ayinkamiye Anuarite
camera_rwanda: Gasabato Nyiramutuzo Clenie In Action
camera_rwanda: Refugee Photographers Making Portraits
camera_rwanda: Gafishi Daniel and His Mother
camera_rwanda: Refugee and Photographer Umutesi Beatrice
camera_rwanda: Umutesi Beatrice and Carine Asha
camera_rwanda: Refugee Photographer Byishimo Baptiste Photographs His Mother Inside Their Home
camera_rwanda: Refugee Photographer Byishimo Baptiste