dark_dave25: Chatting to some guests
dark_dave25: Looking back to the mainland
dark_dave25: Our apartments
dark_dave25: Burgh island hotel
dark_dave25: The other side of the island
dark_dave25: The hotel
dark_dave25: Empty beach
dark_dave25: Mark, Laura and Sarah
dark_dave25: Mark with a skull
dark_dave25: The private swimming pool on the island
dark_dave25: "Now then, now then...we've had a letter from Rosemary who asks Please can you fix it for me to be married for 50 years?"
dark_dave25: The family in deckchairs
dark_dave25: Hotel on the island
dark_dave25: That looks like a nice house
dark_dave25: Magnificent ceiling in the hotel
dark_dave25: Burgh island hotel
dark_dave25: Bit of a ship stuck on the hotel!
dark_dave25: Laura's mum and dad
dark_dave25: Laura's mum and dad outside the hotel
dark_dave25: View from the hotel
dark_dave25: Posh afternoon tea!
dark_dave25: Sandwiches and cakes
dark_dave25: Afternoon tea!!
dark_dave25: Laura's excited by afternoon tea
dark_dave25: The family having afternoon tea
dark_dave25: Dad horrified by the prices of the drinks
dark_dave25: Perusing the cocktail menu, Burgh island hotel
dark_dave25: Pool at Burgh island
dark_dave25: Sea tractor crossing in the dark
dark_dave25: The lights of the sea tractor