CameliaTWU: On the pasture at the edge of the forrest
CameliaTWU: Romanian mountain flora
CameliaTWU: The view from Vladeasa Mountain
CameliaTWU: On top of the mountain
CameliaTWU: On the pasture
CameliaTWU: Fir female cones
CameliaTWU: Engulfed by the clouds
CameliaTWU: On the pasture
CameliaTWU: The view
CameliaTWU: I found my niche
CameliaTWU: Through the forest
CameliaTWU: Vladeasa Chalet
CameliaTWU: On the pasture on top of the mountain
CameliaTWU: Sheltering together
CameliaTWU: The view from the top