CameliaTWU: Downtown Tulcea, Romania
CameliaTWU: Downtown statue
CameliaTWU: Having fun
CameliaTWU: Downtown fountain
CameliaTWU: Downtown fountain
CameliaTWU: Sun reflection
CameliaTWU: The yellow building and the fountain at sunset
CameliaTWU: Tulcea, Romania
CameliaTWU: MGM Palace
CameliaTWU: Artesian fountain at night
CameliaTWU: Modern hotel
CameliaTWU: Almost a painting
CameliaTWU: Life on the Danube
CameliaTWU: The Danube at night
CameliaTWU: Danube at night
CameliaTWU: Cloudy day
CameliaTWU: Diorama
CameliaTWU: Sturgeon fish
CameliaTWU: Dori and Nemo
CameliaTWU: Two Nemos
CameliaTWU: Clownfish
CameliaTWU: On the Danube at night