CameliaTWU: White mushroom
CameliaTWU: Lichen on a branch
CameliaTWU: All kinds of lichens
CameliaTWU: All kinds of lichens
CameliaTWU: Lichens everywhere
CameliaTWU: Lichen paradise
CameliaTWU: Crustose lichens
CameliaTWU: Crustose lichen
CameliaTWU: Lichens of Galapagos
CameliaTWU: Mosses and lichens
CameliaTWU: Puffballs
CameliaTWU: Mushroom or lichen on trunks?
CameliaTWU: Lichens
CameliaTWU: White small mushrooms
CameliaTWU: White small mushrooms
CameliaTWU: L Colorful lichen
CameliaTWU: Lichens and mosses
CameliaTWU: Mushrooms
CameliaTWU: Mushroom, cones, and twigs on moss
CameliaTWU: Mushrooms
CameliaTWU: Mushrooms
CameliaTWU: Mushrooms
CameliaTWU: Spotted mushrooms
CameliaTWU: Mushroom
CameliaTWU: Mosses sprinkled with fungi
CameliaTWU: Velvety saprophyte fungus
CameliaTWU: Lichen
CameliaTWU: Yellow lichen
CameliaTWU: Lichen collage
CameliaTWU: Physcia aipolia