camdenphotos: Shy Burgess, Eliza Paling, Erin Hodgson from Acland Burghley with artwork
camdenphotos: Multi-media winners Aya Elgool and Isabella Rusler of FYA
camdenphotos: Multi-Media winners and runners-up
camdenphotos: Keir Starmer, Cllr Francis, Abdul Hai, Diamond and Dante from FYA
camdenphotos: Dante Edwards (L) and Diamond Capri of FYA - runners-up in MM comp
camdenphotos: Camden Safety Net stall
camdenphotos: Camden Safety Net stall 2
camdenphotos: Mary's charity stall and Deputy Mayor, Cllr Nazma Rahman
camdenphotos: Mubarak Mohamud, aka Mo, of Clime-it Brothers, speaks at launch
camdenphotos: Keir Starmer MP speaks at the launch
camdenphotos: Abdul Hai with Coram's Fields Youth Centre staff and young people
camdenphotos: Martin Pratt, Deputy Chief Exec and Exec Director (Supporting People)
camdenphotos: Cllr Sabrina Francis at youth safety event