camdenphotos: Primrose Hill Primary School artwork on display
camdenphotos: Primrose Hill Primary School - artwork by autistic pupils produced as part of Takeover Challenge
camdenphotos: The Hive Camden at the Youth Assembly
camdenphotos: Becca Dove (L) and Lucy Southern from Camden Council at the Youth Assembly
camdenphotos: Camden Youth Assembly
camdenphotos: Camden Youth Assembly 2024
camdenphotos: Camden Youth Awards ready to be presented at the event.
camdenphotos: Amine - Young Volunteer Award.
camdenphotos: Honey, Director of Wood That Works - Champion for Girls and Young Women Award.
camdenphotos: Marsha, Honest Grind Coffee - Best Practitioner Award
camdenphotos: Denecia of icandance - Positive Impact Award
camdenphotos: Denecia, of icandance - Positive Impact Award. Pictured with the charity's CEO Juliet (left).
camdenphotos: icandance - Best Voluntary Sector Project Award. Juliet, CEO of icandance, pictured right.
camdenphotos: Kevin (left), Highly Commended in Personal Journey Award, with Silvia, Best Voluntary Sector Practitioner Award winner.
camdenphotos: Silvia, Story Garden - Best Voluntary Sector Practitioner Award
camdenphotos: Omar, Detached Youth Team - Legacy Award
camdenphotos: Meelina (left) - Personal Journey Award winner
camdenphotos: Meelina - Personal Journey Award winner
camdenphotos: Acland Burghley School - venue for the Youth Safety Multi-Media Awards and Camden Youth Awards.
camdenphotos: Councillor Sabrina Francis, Cabinet Member for Jobs, Young People and Culture, speaks at the event.
camdenphotos: VIP guests at the Camden Youth Safety Multi-Media Awards event
camdenphotos: Khadys Dream co-founder Jayde Allen speaks at the event
camdenphotos: Parliament Hill School - runners up in the Multi-Media Competition
camdenphotos: British Somali Community Centre - runners up in the Multi-Media Competition
camdenphotos: Zarin Bakhshzaad, Camden Youth MP, speaks at the event
camdenphotos: Camden Learning and Fitzrovia Youth in Action - runners up in Multi-Media Competition
camdenphotos: Acland Burghley student Justin performs at the Multi-Media Awards event
camdenphotos: Mosaic LGBT+ Young Persons' Trust - joint winners of Multi-Media Competition
camdenphotos: Regent's Park Young Guardians - joint winners of the Multi-Media Competition
camdenphotos: Argyle Primary pupils presenting on How Not to Be an iPad Kid at Takeover Challenge