camdenphotos: LaSWAP students Eva Karkut-Law, Eebbaa Elfneh and Eva Dalmau
camdenphotos: LaSWAP student Eva Dalmau - 2 As and a B
camdenphotos: LaSWAP student Saskia Hern - A star, A, A, B. Going to Oxford Uni
camdenphotos: LaSWAP student and Deputy Youth MP Eden Lunghy
camdenphotos: LaSWAP students Jam Byam (left) and Saskia Hern
camdenphotos: Abdisamed Abdi, 18, Haverstock with head James Hadley
camdenphotos: Esther Pigney, of Camden School for Girls, who got 3 As and one A star and will study classics at Oxford University
camdenphotos: Haverstock student Abdisamed Abdi - 3 Bs at A-level
camdenphotos: Regent High School student Nacima Mohamed - A star and two As
camdenphotos: Regent High School student Tatenda Kirya - A and two Bs at A-level
camdenphotos: LaSWAP's Rafael Pais Rosa & Eden Lunghy - Deputy Youth MP (2)
camdenphotos: LaSWAP students Zelda Eve Feldman, Zuzanna Jurek and Grace King
camdenphotos: Parliament Hill students (L - R) Ellie Adebowale -11 GCSEs, incl 9 in maths, 4 A stars and 2 As, Anna Furey - 9 GCSEs, incl 8 in Eng lit and Margaux Pignet-Mayer, 11 GCSEs, incl 8 in Eng lang