T-R@x Everyday per Foto: May 13. Next Friday. 9am. Thesis presentation. City Hall. #harvardgsd #heroic #thesis #traxellent
T-R@x Everyday per Foto: Talking about city halls... #thesis #harvardgsd #urbandesign #architecture #cityhall #traxellent
Kinetical: 2015-10-25_03-07-45
T-R@x Everyday per Foto: It's a shame there was no train. #whitemountains #escapethegund #foliage #intothewild
T-R@x Everyday per Foto: #whitemountains #escapethegund #foliage #intothewild
Kinetical: 2015-08-11 06.31.28 1
T-R@x Everyday per Foto: Live music with great installation. #escapefromgund #tryingtobeincognito
James Yeung: The Woman in Red
Toni F.: drainpipe
Fil.ippo: Light Beam
Ricardo Sanz Cortiella: Skyline of Puigcerdà. Explore 2014-06-05
Josh Bozarth Photography: Motor City Morning
MickyB1949: Last Checks.
Edemel: Life
Sander Meertins | Frame-d.nl: Common Grasshopper Warbler (Explore)
s_p_o_c: Turning Torso, Malmö
T-R@x Everyday per Foto: All of a sudden I miss everyone.
!Claro: Sommervergnügen (explored)
MK-84: Leuchtturm