alexandria42: Holleschau in Meyers Lexicon - 1880
alexandria42: Holleschau - The Jewish Community - page 1
alexandria42: Holleschau Jewish Community history - page 2
alexandria42: Holleschau Jewish Community history - page 3
alexandria42: Postcard of Holesov/Holleschau Jewish sites
alexandria42: Holesov/Holleschau - Jewish monuments by Jaroslav Klenovsky.
alexandria42: Dramatic productions in Holleschau - 31 March 1902
alexandria42: Ina's happy childhood in Holesov - Ina Weinberger {married name KOHN} with friend Gerta.
alexandria42: Time travel to 1933 - Ina WEINBERGER {married name KOHN} - Purim 1933 at age 9 in Holesov
alexandria42: We remember Armin Weinberger - with his daughter Ina - Holesov ca 1929
alexandria42: Remembering Elsa WEINBERGER née MÜLLER - with daughter Ina - Holesov ca. 1930
alexandria42: Hanukkah in Holleschau -1935/36?
alexandria42: Makabi march in Holesov - late 1930s.
alexandria42: MASARYK Tomas - the memorial service for Masaryk, Holesov, September, 1937
alexandria42: FISCHER Helena & Ina Weinberger, 1937 - Tomas Masaryk's memorial procession in Holesov
alexandria42: ALIYA preparation camp - Brno, 1939
alexandria42: On board the Galilea - Holleschau youth on the way from Czechoslovakia to Palestine, 1939
alexandria42: Walter STAMBERGER - as a youth in Holesov/Holleschau, Moravia
alexandria42: Walter Stamberger as an adult before returning to Prague
alexandria42: Remembering Walter SÜSS - holocaust victim from Holesov, Moravia 1921 - Dachau 1945
alexandria42: Remembering Helena FISCHER, Holesov, 1939 - Holocaust victim
alexandria42: Remembering Karel FISCHER - Holesov, 1939 - holocaust victim in Auscwitz
alexandria42: Ina returns to Holesov - Discussing the deportation of the Jews of Holleschau/Holesov - the bond between "teenagers" as witness and survivor.
alexandria42: Ina Kohn is greeted in Holesov with flowers after 70 years absence.
alexandria42: Ina Kohn is greeted in Holesov by a friend after 70 years
alexandria42: Holesov town plan
alexandria42: Street sign in Holesov/Holleschau today
alexandria42: Ina Kohn's former home - Holleschau/Holesov, Moravia