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albums of alexandria42
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Sir Nicholas Winton's train arrives - Prague Kindertransport
British Boys' School, Alexandria, Egypt
Levice {Leva/Lewentz}, Slovakia - the derelict synagogue
Trnava {Tyrnau}, Slovakia - "in memoriam" to holocaust victims
Pressburg/Bratislava - WW1 Jewish War Memorial
Trnava {Tyrnau}, Slovakia - Jewish War Memorial - WW1
TRSTIN {was Nadas} - Slovakia, a lost Jewish cemetery.
Zabokreky nad Nitrou {Nyitra-Zsambokret}, Slovakia - Jewish cemetery
PRIMROSES galore - Spring in Croydon, 2009
Galicia and Bukowina - Obituary notices from the Neue Freie Presse, Vienna - researched by Celia Male
Paris - English Girls' College, Alexandria - Dinner, March 2009
Homecraft House, Alexandria, Egypt.
London, Nov 8th 2008 - EGC Xmas Lunch
Mile End {London} Sephardic cemeteries - not yet ready for public view
Olivetti - Lettera 22 - in 2008
Timisoara grave
James at Whitgift-2008
Beating the global food shortage plus local animal life
Bomb damage at Tor 1 - Zentralfriedhof, Vienna
Vavrona and Piraeus, Greece - EGC {English Girls' College}, Alexandria, Egypt - Reunion - June 27 - July 3rd 2008
"Bohemia/Moravia"- associated tombstones in Jewish cemeteries in Vienna & Salzburg
Salzburg Jewish cemetery
English Girls' College, Alexandria, Egypt - Girl Guides and Brownies
English Girls' College Sports Teams
Beirut Reunion - English Girls' College, Alexandria
English Girls' College (EGC), Alexandria, Egypt - Gymnastics
English Girls' College Staff 1935-1956
Holocaust memorials - public and private
EGC friends - Ellen de Wolff's personal snaps, 1934-1941
Post 1956 - el Nasr EGC School staff
Paris 2007, EGC Xmas Carol Concert
Surrey Cross-Country Championships - 2008
Boarders - EGC, 1935 - 1952
House Photos, 1950-1952 English Girls' College
The Male family Xmas 2007 at Warlingham with Joan and Henri Pageot
BRIX - BRIGGS family of Galicia, Vienna and USA
How to give pills to a cat
Five Alexandrian Friends in Lausanne - Sun Dec. 9th 2007
Geneva 2007, English Girls' College {EGC} Alexandria, Xmas lunch and tea party
Vienna - Tombstones of Jewish Musicians and their families
Tel Aviv 2006, English Girls' College {EGC} Alexandria, Spring Reunion
London 2007, English Girls' College {EGC} Alexandria, Xmas Lunch
English Girls' College {EGC} - 1940s
English Girls' College Swimming Pool
English Girls' College {EGC}, Alexandria, Egypt 1935-1937
Drama at the English Girls' College {EGC}, Alexandria, Egypt
English Girls' College {EGC} - 1950-1956 - Infant, Preparatory and Junior School, 1950-1956
EGC - the early years, 1937-1940 [in process of development]
English Girls' College - the buildings
Sporting Club, EGC and other friends - Alexandria, Egypt 1945 and 1951
Währinger Friedhof, Vienna
Vienna - Jewish tombstones from Galicia, Czernowitz and Poland - not yet completed
Holesov {Holleschau}, Moravia - Jewish cemetery - and a partial reconstruction of this ancient Jewish community.
Ivanovice na Hané/Eiwanowitz, Moravia - Jewish cemetery photographed and researched by Harold Chipman & Celia Male
English Girls' College - Parties - Alexandria, Egypt
British Schools, Alexandria, Egypt 1900s -1956
The Cohen family - WW2 in Alexandria, Egypt with some illustrations by Sydney Arrobus.
Zentralfriedhof, Vienna - Tor IV - tombstones originally in Döblingerfriedhof
Wotan's Life
Kohn-Kerner-Popper graves, Vienna - restoration project; photographed and researched by Celia Male
Loeff family - Holleschau - Chile
Grossbock, 15 Sept 2003
Cohen, Celia and Michael - childhood
Arrobus Sydney/Bettina Cohen
Austria-Czech SIG Dinner, 21 Oct 2006, Vienna
Baiersdorf von Erdos graves
Bernard Daniel and Pauline grave
Bunzl extended family - UK
Bunzl-Tedesko-Wottitz family - early
Castlemaine Avenue
Cats Ginger Cat No 2
Cats Fluffhilde
Lara & Max, Kaiserstr, Vienna
Mr Magoo & friend Charlie the dog, Geneva
Cohen Isidore
Cohen, Celia and Michael - childhood
Döblinger Friedhof Vienna
EGC - VC Bulgaria
EGC Athens reunion, 2004 & 2005
London 2004 EGC London Xmas Lunch 2004
EGC London Xmas lunch 2005
Geneva 2004, English Girls' College {EGC} Alexandria Xmas Lunch
Athens & Mycenae 2004 and Athens 2005 English Girls' College {EGC} Alexandria, Reunions
Eisenstadt, Burgenland - Jewish Community {Eisenstadt/Asch} and Joseph Haydn's musical summer residence at the court of Count Esterházy
Ellison grave
Family tree - miscellaneous photos
Feuerhalle Simmering, Vienna
Filippi {Evelyn} family - as yet not for public view
Friedmann David, portraits
Genealogy documents
A visit to Grossbock, Bohemia 15 Sept 2003
Holocaust Museum - Amsterdam
Holocaust, France
Israel trip March - 2006
James and Alice
Grossbock slideshow rejects
Jerusalem Family, Israel 2006
Kerner family
Kleinot Hector
Kolin visit, September 2003
Langraf graves
Male family groups
Memphis Preparatory School - Alexandria, Egypt 1932-1956
Michael's family life 1933-1966
Trebitsch/Trebic, Moravia, Czech Republic WWI Jewish War Memorial researched by Celia Male
Neu Bistritz, Bohemia, Jewish Cemetery; researched by Celia Male
Partezettel Obituary Collection, Vienna
Rosebriars 27 Aug 2006 - Simon's visit
Schwarz David
Sephardic Graves - Vienna, Zentralfriedhof, photographed & researched by Celia Male
SIG friends
Simon's visit, Aug-Sept 2006
Tombstones Vienna - not ready for public view
Tombstones Vienna Tor IV- not yet ready for public viewing
VC-EGC reunions 1991 onwards
Victoria College
Vienna, town
Vienna WWI Jewish War Memorial - Zentralfriedhof Tor 1 - researched & photographed by Celia Male
Wassertrilling graves
Wotan Male born Spring 2006
WOTTITZ family photos
WOTTITZ family photographs, documents and graves - Vienna
GROSSBOCK Visit 2003