Aspkie.: Time has changed everything, life must go on.
Njla Abdullah: “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.”
Faisal | Photography: February Calendar
L S O 3 A: The Golden Girls
Sara εïз: Good Morning 
L S O 3 A: [120\180]
【Sabachah】: أنا هنا ، وهُو هناك كم أشتهي أن أمحو حرف الكاف !
Ebtehal ..❤: Explore ..
Sara → ♥ Mom: I LOVE MY
3beer fm: a7bk ..
Ohoud Alarify ♥ksa: Apple Store, Fifth Avenue, NYC
Sara → ♥ Mom: عِيِدَكُمّ مُبَارَك
ToMeY ALqatri: ┣ U.S.A /3 ┫
Onlysoraya: Bag Bimba&lola
 Anoud Abdullah AlHabib: Pink Tulips ♥♥